Saturday, February 22, 2020

E, erg verb, ergative verbs, V, Verbs, ambitransitive verbs

David Nicholls


1) the weather was changed (by whom). << incorrect
2) the weather changed. << correct

3) We broke down. (Our car broke down on the motorway) -- break down - intransitive verb
4) I sneezed. (sneeze -- no object) intransitive verb


the verbs read, understand may be used either (transitively and intransitively)
5) I've read the book. ('the book' is an object) -- transitive
6) I've been reading for ages. -- intransitive

7) I understand -- intransitive (no object)
8) I understand you -- transitive verb (you is the object)

ERGATIVE (object of an intransitive verb can be the subject of the intransitive verb)

1) Dave closed the shop. -- active (close is an ergative verb)
2) The shop closed. -- active (close is an ergative verb - transitive verb 'close' used intransitively)
3) The shop was closed. (by Dave) -- passive

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